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"the brick"

“the brick”: each creative soul resembles a brick, each brick becomes part of the growth of the creative culture in this region. Therefore, creating a solid base for the upcoming future. 

Over the course of time, art has always been closely linked to social context, appearing in many different forms with the majority being displayed in galleries and exhibitions. In this continuing evolution, and with the societal and technological developments, poster art was given the room to grow and stand out in terms of social engagement, availability, and impact. These are three things that almakan wishes to embody in its promotion of the art scene, regardless of the changes we undertake. 

One of the major goals behind the founding of almakan was to promote the local and regional talent in Kuwait and the Middle East in providing both recognition and support to the creative souls. With that in mind, we would like to propose a collaborative effort to allow art to reflect society and the times through a series of smaller scale art pieces reaching wider scale audiences. In short: “affordable art”. almakan invites its family, the past supporters and collaborators of the almakan Studio and Gallery, to be part of our new concept “the brick” for the first selection of work

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